1950s-Inspired Dress

I made this dress and removeable belt based on McCall’s pattern M6557 to emulate an extant dress (see last image). The petticoat is based on this tutorial by The Sewing Lab. The outfit was started in the costume shop in roughly 2014-2015, and finished in 2020. I attempted a 50s-inspired makeup look to wear with the dress.

Front of the dress
Back of the dress
Me in the dress
Hair and makeup
The extant dress
Last image from https://i.pinimg.com/564x/29/8e/10/298e10b37a72225be50ef27ebd81dfc4.jpg?fbclid=IwAR2Aj5d9H4Wa_vOtqRc24NDilCfT3LiFgx0Sht_BVjljAQuFRTtPP5TaZek