Independent Study Gown

I made this court gown outfit as part of an independent study in 2013 at the end of my first year at Knox College. I conducted extensive research on the dress of English noblewomen from the 1560s-1570s, and constructed pieces from the skin out with materials and techniques that were as historically accurate as I could afford (although they were by no means perfect). The outfit included a smock, pair of bodies (corset), Spanish farthingale, bumroll, partlet, petticoat, and gown. In the photos, I am also wearing a hat and caul made by my mom.

Emily wearing the gown (minus sleeves) 360-degree view of the gown Emily wearing the gown (minus sleeves) Underpinnings worn beneath the gown Underpinnings worn beneath the gown Fashion plate drawn before constructing the gown
Images 1-3 by Peter Bailley, 5 by Niki Acton