Courses Taken
- CLAS 273G From Odysseus to Harry Potter
- CLAS 273B Dangerous Women of the Ancient Mediterranean
Computer Science
- CS 141 Introduction to Computer Science
- CS 142 Program Design and Methodology
- CS 180L Robotics
- CS 201 Computer Organization and Assembly Language
- CS 205 Algorithm Design and Analysis
- CS 226 Operating Systems and Networking
- CS 262 Information Management
- CS 292 Software Development and Professional Practice
- CS 303 Computer Graphics
- CS 309 Parallel Programming
- CS 317 Artificial Intelligence
- CS 322 Software Engineering
- CS 350C Independent Research/Creative Work: Knoxcraft
- EDUC 201 School and Society
- ENG 120 Introduction to Literature
- ENG 227 Introduction to Shakespeare
- ENG 251 English Literature I
- ENG 300L Library Research
- ENG 332 Shakespeare: Tragedies and Romances
- ENG 342 Renaissance Literature and Culture
- HIST 104 The Ancient Mediterranean World
- HIST 230 England, 1066-1660
- LAT 101 Elementary Latin I
- LAT 102 Elementary Latin II
- LAT 103 Elementary Latin III
- MATH 152 Calculus II
- MATH 175 Discrete Mathematics
- MATH 210 Linear Algebra I
- MATH 217 Number Theory
- PREC 108 Freshman Preceptorial: Creativity
- STAT 200 Introductory Statistics
- THTR 224 Costume Design
- THTR 250 Independent Study: Elizabethan Costume
- THTR 325 Design Workshop: Patterning and Draping
- THTR 350C Independent Research/Creative Work: Elizabethan Costume II
Computer Science
- CS 412 Introduction to Data Mining
- CS 465 User Interface Design
- CS 548 Models of Cognitive Processes
- CS 565 Human-Computer Interaction
- CS 591 Human-Computer Interaction Seminar
- CS 591 Teaching and Leadership Seminar
- CS 597 Independent Study: Beyond the Black Box
- CS 597 Independent Study: Psychological Safety in Teams
- CS 598 Experimental Methods of HCI
- CS 598 Social (Media + Signals)
- CS 599 Thesis Research
Curriculum and Instruction
- CI 437 Educational Game Design
- CI 550 Methods of Educational Inquiry
Educational Psychology
- EPSY 408 Learning and Human Development with Educational Technology
- EPSY 590 Mobile Apps for Teaching
- ENG 591 Engineering Advanced Seminar: Mavis Future Faculty Fellows Academy
LinkedIn Learning